Hotel Unique

Fifteen years ago a symbol of luxury Hotel was born at the City of São Paulo with the proposal to offer to the Paulista Capital a Hotel that combined modern characteristics, creativity, professionalism and passion. In 2002 the Unique Hotel opened its doors.

“The Hotel Unique came to be a reference in design, comfort and luxury, combining urban features with the boutique hotel concept” as described by Ruy Ohtake, the architect responsible for designing the Hotel. The Hotel has been consolidated in the last decade by its Unique differentials that continues to make sense for its name. The strong influence of the artistic and cultural universe has transformed into the reflection of the City of São Paulo, rich in diversity of details and mixed styles of the curatorship of its objects displayed at the lobby, and in the gastronomy of its Skye Restaurant not to mention its customer service. 


One of the main points of the Hotel is the Skye Restaurante with one of the most breathtaking views of the City of São Paulo.  This place is the symbol of the Gastronomy as per many researches conducted and award-wining prices granted to Chef Emmanuel Bassoleil. The Skye Restaurant offers a cosmopolitan menu that enchants the Paulistanos and Foreigners who visit this place. 

sustainability commitment

Hotel Unique has equipments and resources to optimize the usage of water and energy as well as the control and treatment of sewage generated by the Hotel. Here we promote internal actions to avoid waste and separate recyclable materials or hazard items


Sao Paulo, SP



Hotel website
